FODOR's公布2018全球52個必訪景點名單,摩洛哥的馬拉喀什(Marrakech)排名第1,前10名分別是紐西蘭庫克群島(Cook Islands)、玻利維亞的烏尤尼鹽沼、克羅埃西亞的史普利特(Split)、科威特、美國曼非斯(Memphis)、亞美尼亞、蒙古、都柏林、以及貝里斯。
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Why It’s Wonderful: It’s been 30 years since Martial law ended in Taiwan, and since then, the country and its capital have gradually begun to introduce themselves to the world at large. Taipei is a city that honors tradition, as is evidenced by the temples that dot the urban landscape, some, such as Longshan Temple, date back centuries, but it also looks forward. 2018 will see a wide variety of events that paint a picture of the city’s forward-thinking vision, such as the 2018 Taiwan Cycling Festival (late September to early November), a great chance to check out Taipei’s hundreds of kilometers of riverside bike paths. The Guandu Flower Expo (running until the end of February) will have the full palette of Taipei’s natural beauty on display. For palettes of a different kind, there’s the second annual Taipei International Tattoo Show and Music Festival (August 3-5). Though still off the usual Asia backpacker trail, Taipei does boast a relatively modest flow of tourists through its varied districts, from the glitz of Xinyi to the grit of Wanhua, to the seaside beauty of Danshui and the natural splendor of the mountain trails that surround the coastal metropolis.
Where to Stay: The Taipei Marriott, a newly designed hotel in the heart of the upmarket Neihu District, is walking distance to both riverside walking and cycling paths and some of the city’s best shopping at the Miramar Entertainment Park. For something more central and close to the top nightlife spots and major attractions, the five-star W Taipei can’t be beat.
Insider Tip: For the best in cheap nighttime eats, head to one of the city’s major or minor night markets. Most tourists hit up the Xilin Night Market, the largest in the city, but don’t discount smaller ones such as Lingjiang Street Night Market, where you can find many of the same local culinary delights (pig blood cake, coffin toast, stinky tofu) while fighting off fewer tourists.
When to Go: Fall is by far the most comfortable time to visit after the intense summer heat, and before the winter damp. It’s also time to partake in a traditional Moon Festival outdoor BBQ.
What to Read: Taipei by Tao Lin
Plan Your Trip: Visit Fodor’s Taipei Guide
為什麼這麼好:“戒嚴”在台灣結束已有30年了,從那時起,國家和首都逐漸開始向世界自我介紹。台北是一座傳統的城市,城市景觀中的寺廟就是證明,一些像龍山寺這樣的寺廟可以追溯到幾個世紀,但也是一個向前看的時代。 2018年將會看到各種各樣的事件,比如2018年的台灣自行車節(9月下旬到11月初),這個城市的前瞻性視覺圖像,是一個很好的機會檢查台北數百公里的河畔自行車道。官渡花卉博覽會(2月底)將展出台北自然風光的全部色彩。對於不同類型的調色板,還有第二屆台北國際紋身秀和音樂節(8月3 - 5日)。雖然離亞洲背包客旅遊線路還有一段距離,但台北的遊客卻從各種各樣的地區,包括信義區的浮華,萬華的美景,到淡水的海濱美景,四周的山間小路,沿海大都市。